Milczenie wobec cierpienia jest współuczestnictwem w krzywdzie. Moje komentarze do wypowiedzi Sekretarza ONZ oraz innych uczestników dyskusji na portalu LinkedIn to próba ocalenia prawdy w świecie, gdzie narracja często bywa zakładnikiem politycznej poprawności i jednostronnych przekazów.

Gdy próbuję mówić o konfliktach na Bliskim Wschodzie, spotykam się z brutalną cenzurą emocjonalną. Zamiast merytorycznej dyskusji otrzymuję agresywne, pełne nienawiści wiadomości od osób, które same doświadczyły przemocy historycznej – pohodzą one od wąskiej grupki obywateli Izraela czy USA o narodowości żydowskiej. Paradoks polega na tym, że ci, którzy powinni być szczególnie wrażliwi na ludzkie cierpienie, stosują dokładnie takie same mechanizmy wykluczenia i pouczania, jakich kiedyś doświadczali.

Próba nazwania rzeczy po imieniu – pokazania ludzkiego wymiaru konfliktu w Strefie Gazy – staje się przestępstwem w oczach samozwańczych strażników narracji. Propozycje kupna biletu do strefy wojny, groźby osądzenia, próby odebrania prawa głosu – to nie są argumenty, to są narzędzia zastraszania.

Moje stanowisko jest jasne: cierpienie nie ma narodowości. Ból matki opłakującej dziecko jest taki sam w Tel Awiwie, co w Gazie. Holocaust nie może być wyłączną własnością jednej grupy – to uniwersalna trauma ludzkości, która powinna nas wszystkich uczyć empatii, a nie budować mury nienawiści.

Ci, którzy próbują mnie uciszyć, tak naprawdę boją się jednego – prawdy, która nie mieści się w wygodnych schematach propagandowych. Prawdy, która każe nam zobaczyć człowieka tam, gdzie propaganda widzi tylko wroga.

Przekazy prasy międzynarodowej, które śledzę od lat, rozmowy z przyjaciółmi z różnych części świata, doniesienia internetowe oraz wstrząsające materiały wideo publikowane przez czołowe agencje medialne odsłaniają prawdę, którą niektórzy próbują ukryć lub zanegować. Te przerażające obrazy destrukcji miast, zatrważająca liczba cywilnych ofiar, ostrzeliwanie szpitali i karetek pogotowia – to nie są manipulacje czy deep fake. To brutalna, krwista rzeczywistość, która wymaga nie tylko obserwacji, ale i głębokiej refleksji moralnej.

I na koniec, puenta, którą zaczerpnełam od żydowskiego myśliciela Elie Wiesela, ocalałego z Holocaustu, laureata Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla:

Obojętność jest uosobieniem zła.
Zawsze należy zająć stanowisko.
Neutralność sprzyja oprawcy, nigdy ofierze. Milczenie pomaga dręczycielowi, nigdy dręczonemu.

a to jest przyczyną ataku na moją osobę:

António Guterres • 
Conditions for Palestinians in Gaza are appalling and apocalyptic. In the past four months alone, nearly 19,000 children were hospitalized due to acute malnutrition in Gaza, which now also has the highest number of child amputees per capita anywhere in the world. In the face of the gigantic needs, humanitarian aid is outrageously being blocked. At best, the entry of goods into Gaza is grossly insufficient, inconsistent and unpredictable — a drop in an ocean of need. But the nightmare in Gaza is not a crisis of logistics. It’s a crisis of political will and of respect for fundamental principles of international humanitarian law. The delivery of aid must be predictable and sustained. Humanitarian staff and operations must be guaranteed security. Access must be granted to all those in need, wherever they are.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation

It is worth noting that before the tragic attack on Israeli civilians, massive protests were taking place in Tel Aviv against the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu. For many months, Israeli residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the government’s policy, questioning its direction and criticizing the prime minister’s actions. Despite these internal social tensions, intelligence services, including the famous Mossad, were unable to predict or prevent the coordinated Hamas attack.

These circumstances raise certain questions about the effectiveness of Israeli special services and the possible political contexts of this conflict. Is this a coincidence, or perhaps an element of a broader, more complex political strategy? I leave this for reflection.

I conclude further discussion with those who seem convinced of their own infallibility, ignoring the fundamental principles of humanitarianism and international law.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation

Gaza – A Concentration Camp Under Israeli Jurisdiction.

HOLOCAUST – A word appropriated by a nation that itself experienced terrifying suffering, and now applies almost identical extermination methods against another nation. A historical paradox that shakes the world’s conscience. The Gaza Strip – a closed space of systematic life destruction.

The silence of the world – Arab, Western, international organizations – is as horrifying as the crime itself. Where are the allies? Where are the voices of protest? Humanitarian aid is just a drop in the ocean of suffering.

Every minute of delay means more victims. Every postponed decision is a sentence for innocent lives. Gaza has become a symbol of global indifference, a contemporary memento of our moral collapse.

History will judge us. Not only for acts of violence, but primarily for our total passivity in the face of human suffering.

The world must finally understand: silence makes us complicit.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation

Naomi Abrams Dear Madam, I am deeply concerned about the nature of these comments, which not only violate the principles of constructive dialogue but also present an attitude full of prejudice and disrespect. As a Pole, I have every right and moral obligation to speak out on historical matters such as World War II and current international conflicts.

Attempts to discredit my position by diminishing my origin or suggesting that I have no right to my own opinion are not only non-substantive but downright harmful. Such an approach prevents meaningful discussion and mutual understanding.

The Holocaust is not exclusively a matter of the Jewish nation – it is a tragedy of all humanity that requires memory, respect, and continuous education of all nations. Suggesting that I am „indoctrinated” simply because I have my own, well-thought-out stance is another example of disregarding my intellect and right to my own opinion.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation


Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation


As Elie Wiesel used to say: „Indifference always serves the oppressor, never the victim” – and this defines my attitude. My friends – with whom I have shared bonds of respect for over twenty years – not only listened to my account and read the screenshots I shared with them from the „discussion”, but also declared their willingness to support my arguments, highlighting specific facts and citing authorities.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov used to remind: „The whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the most important thing is to have no fear at all”. And I adhere to this principle – I am not afraid to speak up where truth and justice matter.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation

I am not surprised by the aggression and lack of substantive arguments in some statements. As the Jewish proverb from the Talmud says: „He who remains silent in the face of evil is complicit in evil” – that is why I speak and will continue to speak.

What concerns me more is the complete lack of ability for critical thinking, analytical approach to complex issues, and openness to different perspectives. Such attitudes not only do not favor constructive dialogue, but actually destroy it.

I am aware of my strength and independence. I do not need anyone’s protection. I have my own opinion, which I can justify, and I do not intend to change it under the influence of groundless attacks. It is sad that you write in such a manner.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ido kalev

Ido kalev • 3.+

Security Specialist at Electra | Leading classified project initiatives, safeguarding sensitive information
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Miri S.

Miri S. • 3.+

IT Procurement professional
Ewa Milewska r u insane? Gazan people can leave via Egypt or you forgot?! Did Jewish people have this option?! It is very insensible to compare it to the concentration camp
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ido kalev

Ido kalev • 3.+

Security Specialist at Electra | Leading classified project initiatives, safeguarding sensitive information


Miri S. especially from that lives in a country were most of the worst coceretration was from. She is young and has a long way ahead in life to be able to understand what and how she is doing to help people who have murderd, butchered, abused and took hostage to Gaza . Ewa didn’t visit in the past here or in Gaza as a women so she is not capable of being a victim here because she has no right or responsibility for any part of her words and her actions written down in a way she wants to brase her self confidence and respect. Before she can be in a position of criticism of our country she needs to be held responsible for her own behavior.
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Miri S.

Miri S. • 3.+

IT Procurement professional


Ido kalev 100% disconected form reality and seeking attention with high words that meaningless. Curious if she is also vocal about other war zones.
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ido kalev

Ido kalev • 3.+

Security Specialist at Electra | Leading classified project initiatives, safeguarding sensitive information
Miri S. Exactly.
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ido kalev

Ido kalev • 3.+

Security Specialist at Electra | Leading classified project initiatives, safeguarding sensitive information
Miri S. Actually as I was checking if she had any more of those conflicts that are happening now in the world, nothing was mentioned.
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Miri S.

Miri S. • 3.+

IT Procurement professional


Ido kalev not surprised at all. One side agenda

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation


For those attempting to distort reality and spread misinformation, who through manipulation try to silence critical voices – I want to present publicly available sources documenting the tragic events in the Gaza Strip. Press publications unequivocally indicate the scale of civilian suffering.
The world is watching – a world that has maintained the ability to empathize and remain objective, regardless of social position, religious beliefs, or views. It is clear to all of us that crimes committed with premeditation, systematically and deliberately, constitute genocide. No attempts to propagandistically distort facts will change this.
I want to unequivocally emphasize that every loss of human life is an unimaginable tragedy. Every Israeli citizen killed by terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah, or other organizations deserves the harshest condemnation. Every person kidnapped and held – regardless of ethnic or religious affiliation – is a crime that requires immediate and decisive condemnation. At the same time, I strongly oppose any form of violence against civilians, regardless of who the perpetrator is.
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation


Srebrenica, Rwanda, Syria—these are just a few of the places where genocide has become a brutal reality. Along the way, universal values like compassion, empathy, and respect for others have disappeared. The Ten Commandments, a set of principles that have guided countless people for centuries, seem outdated today. And what will replace the UN? Will we create a new world order based on dialogue and cooperation, or will we be doomed to eternal conflict?

I feel helpless in the face of all this. But at the same time, I know that each of us can make a difference. We can start with ourselves, with our loved ones, with our communities. We can promote the values that are important to us, we can fight against hate and intolerance. We must remember that we are human beings, not soulless machines.

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation


To those attempting to judge me for speaking a difficult truth, I want to remind you that the worst thing that can happen to a thinking person is a pack attack from those afraid of their own conscience. Your outrage is merely a mask of fear – fear of confronting a reality that terrifies you. The louder you scream, the more evident it becomes that the truth touches you where it hurts most – in the heart of indifference.

Let me quote the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, who wrote: „Hatred is like water – it can flood everything, but there will always come a moment when it dries up. Love, however, is like a root – the more you try to pull it out, the more strongly it shoots new sprouts.”

Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ido kalev

Ido kalev • 3.+

Security Specialist at Electra | Leading classified project initiatives, safeguarding sensitive information


To those you posted twice – pay attention to the details it looks like you are in fragile condition.
Wyświetl profil użytkownika Ewa Milewska

Ewa Milewska • Ty

Director of the Press Office, Polish Media House Foundation

„Machines in Place of Humans”

Since childhood, I’ve been fed images of war. Cinema and television screens have bombarded us with scenes of violence and suffering for years. „The Pianist” and countless other films, books, and documentaries—these aren’t just stories; they’re testimonies to humanity’s cruelty. I’ve been to places where war has left deep scars. I’ve spoken with people who have survived the horrors. And I ask myself: where have the ordinary people gone? Those who love, dream, and empathize? They’ve been replaced by soulless machines, blindly following orders, ready to kill without a second thought.

It’s terrifying how easily crowds can be manipulated, how easily hatred can be sown. Today’s social media is a perfect example. Instead of dialogue, we have a war of words. Instead of respect, we have hate. And somewhere in the background, algorithms fuel our worst instincts.

To those attempting to judge me for speaking a difficult truth, I want to remind you that the worst thing that can happen to a thinking person is a pack attack from those afraid of their own conscience. Your outrage is merely a mask of fear – fear of confronting a reality that terrifies you. The louder you scream, the more evident it becomes that the truth touches you where it hurts most – in the heart of indifference.

Let me quote the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, who wrote: „Hatred is like water – it can flood everything, but there will always come a moment when it dries up. Love, however, is like a root – the more you try to pull it out, the more strongly it shoots new sprouts.”